Our Chiropractic Services
As a Chiropractic Care Specialist in Santa Monica, Dr. Roy utilizes a combination of techniques that include traditional chiropractic
care and progressive methods like manual therapy, therapeutic exercises, shockwave therapy, and more.
Dr. Roy combines wellness and physical care to eliminate the need for painkillers and surgery.
Active Release Technique
ART combines therapeutic pressure with patient movements to deliver rapid relief of muscle pain and weakness. This technique can be customized to your individual treatment needs.
Chiropractic Care
Chiropractic care uses the focused manipulation of certain areas of the body in order to realign areas of the body that are causing pain or dysfunction.
Functional Movement / SFMA
Functional movement therapy uses movement to address your condition and to maximize your functionality throughout your daily life.
OTZ Tension Adjustment
OTZ Tension Adjustment is a proven, non-surgical method of diagnosing and successfully treating Frozen Shoulder Syndrome (FSS).
Personalized Blood Flow Restriction
Personalized blood flow restriction rehabilitation training (PBFR) is a game-changing injury recovery therapy that is producing dramatically positive results.
Rocktape is an elastic therapeutic tape used for treating repetitive strain injuries and relieving pain by lifting the skin and allowing improved blood and lymph flow.
Posture Alignment Therapy
Posture correction therapy is a tailored approach to enhance posture and alignment through exercises and ergonomic adjustments. It focuses on reducing discomfort, preventing musculoskeletal problems, and promoting overall well-being by emphasizing proper body positioning.
Sciatica Treatment Santa Monica
Sciatica treatment involves conservative approaches like chiropractic care and pain management, while surgery may be an option for severe cases or when other treatments fail.